A tribute to the horse

Har varit dålig på att kolla in på bloggen på sistonde, fy skäms på mig, hehe. Kommer nog fortsäta så ett tag till tror jag. Jag tenderar att gå i "faser" ibland, och just nu är inte en bloggfas, men loggade ändå in idag och jag bestämde mig för att dela med mig av ett tal som jag skrev på engelskan, som jag vart ganska så nöjd över, so here it goes!

A Tribute to the Horse

Horses have captivated man for as long as memory can stretch. What is it that makes us look at him in amazement and awe? Is it just manes flowing in the wind, even fast paced hoof beats, snorting, muscles playing under a layer of shining fur? A herd of galloping horses seem to portray the very image of freedom but is there something more?

There is a poem by Ronald Duncan called “The Horse” that I really like and that I think explains the fascination we have with the horses. Allow me to quote my favorite part;

“Where in this wide world can man find nobility without pride,

Friendship without envy,

Or beauty without vanity?

Here, where grace is served with muscle

And strength by gentleness confined

He serves without servility; he has fought without enmity.

There is nothing so powerful, nothing less violent.

There is nothing so quick, nothing more patient”

So today I want to make this tribute, knowing that we never can truly repay what the horses give us, but at least we can acknowledge the gift and honor them.

What captivates me, I think, it’s their gentle soul, their kindness and how easy they forgive. Something that I at times find difficult doing. For me, Horses represent a calm and peaceful place where I know who I am, can relax and just be.

I don’t think I can count the number of times I’ve made mistakes with horses but what is so great about them is while they won’t hesitate to make it painstakingly clear that you made the mistake, they will also forgive you the second you realize what you did wrong, and correct it yourself. They don’t hold a grudge. 

I remember one time when I went to fetch a horse from the pasture. As I went to fetch him, he turned and walked away. He wasn’t playing hard to get or anything like that, what happened was my thoughts wandered off and I lost focus of the horse. When he walked off I got aware of the situation and came back in the present. I realized that my position in relation to the horse was actually driving the horse away as I walked. So I stopped, thought it over and reproached the horse. This time with full focus on the horse and myself. I had no problems this time.

Whenever someone asks me why I love horses I tend to stumble over my own words because it’s so hard to pinpoint that one, exact reason. Because a horse is not just one part, they are an individual, complete and whole. And it’s all of them that captivates me, I can tell you that they are forgiving, that they live in the present, I can even quote the poem one more time but its only parts and there are no way I can convey the entirety that is the horse in one short speech. You’d have to spend time with them with an open mind to fully understand. However I hope this speech gave you a glimpse to why horses are such a large part of my life and why they inspire me so much. 

I could never imagine a life without them.

Formateringen blev lite annurlunda när jag klistarde in talet här från word, orkar inte bråkade med det nu, kanske senare, men det borde gå att läsa iallefall.

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